Disagreement between Cord and Jubilee members over who is the president of Kenya brought business at the Nairobi County assembly to a temporary stop. The April 29 occurrence started when leader of Majority Elias Otieno, stated that the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, was the newly-elected president courtesy of a local news programme. Otieno also labelled certain allegations on Chief Justice Willy Mutunga regarding the 2013 General elections. The Jubilee leader of minority Abdi Hassan Guyo, accused Otieno of planning to divert the business of the day. Guyo questioned why Otieno was imputing improper motives on the Chief Justice. The Speaker Alex ole Magelo, interjected and threatened to send out some members.
The two political camps have been involved in supremacy wars for some time now. In mid-April, a senior Cord leader termed Jubilee members, ‘small boys’. He went ahead to equate them to his son. When the assembly resumed from recess in February, the business was not conducted for two days because leaders of minority side felt they were being ‘taken lightly’ in the House. The minority members kept away, protesting the matter and the ugly feuds went on for days.


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